Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Solving the Rubik's Cube

I was trying to fix the Rubik’s cube, following and keeping in mind those instructions posted on howtocube.com, the manual that served me as a guide. I had the whole yellow part correctly positioned. Around it, two rows of the green side were done, so did the two rows each for red and blue. Unfortunately, there came a situation where the site did not have the instruction I needed to finish the Rubik because the remaining nine colors, one row with three colors each for green, red and blue, were not in their right position. So I stared, trying to think genius. I moved some parts but later returned it back realizing I was barking up the wrong tree.  Suddenly, that’s when it hit me. Our acts are indeed alike with the move we make in the Rubik’s cube.
When I first posted this,

initially it said that the moves I made were wrong because it was not in the manual and it was jumbling the pattern I already had correctly positioned. I thought the lesson upon realizing its sameness with real life was, we should be careful regarding with the decisions we make and with the things that we do because if we don’t, we might end up unhappy with the unsatisfying outcome we’ll have upon doing the wrong moves and messing it all up. I thought, like in solving the Rubiks cube, we should avoid doing the wrong moves. However, as I review my blog posts a year later, I realized something with this metaphor on which I did not feel quite right. I still stand firm when I said we should be careful with the things we do, but about the wrongness of moves because I attempted to solve the cube differently... not anymore. I remembered there are thousands of ways to solve the Rubiks. The one I was following in the internet was just one out of many. And trying to solve the cube differently does not immediately make my move wrong. Different way could actually lead us to the right path. It may prolong the process, but that never means you are automatically heading to an undesired trap. Like in life, sometimes you’ll think you’re so close to your goals until you do something or some circumstances happen that, that as you think, mess up your plans and dreams. You might think you are done until you realize it is not the end yet. And so you try again, doing and making things differently from the way you used to before. But then you’ll see yourself, and find out that the different way delivers you in the best point of your life you have never even dreamed of in reaching. To where God has designed you to be. Different ways don’t always send you unhappy and unsatisfied in the end, it also spares room to joy and peace of mind from the contentment you obtain if you won’t give up and continue to play the game. Solving your life that way it suits you. Solving your life that makes you feel accomplished and complete like every piece of you has been moved to where they should be.  A clear picture of colors in life that has been correctly position because of your decisions and doings.
Going back to my cube, upsetting-ly, I failed to fix it fully. I went to the comfort room,  then saw it on father’s hands. Completely ruined. A year ago, I ironically thanked my dad for the wrong moves he made. But now, why did I give up and stop trying to solve that shit? And why.... do I make solving Rubik's cube sound like it's the biggest deal of my life?

P.S: This is updated.

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